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Peak Performance Supplements Best Anti-Inflammatory Recommended

Peak Performance Supplements Best Anti-Inflammatory Recommended

Peak Performance Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Best Anti-inflammatory

Pure Encapsulations Curcumin 500 with Bioperine®Adding an anti-inflammatory could be a way to maintain your health. Research is beginning to show a link between inflammation and such debilitating conditions as Alzheimers, cancer, endometriosis, heart disease, and arthritis, as well as aging. If you want to perform your best at work and at home- you have to take care of yourself, and that means keeping inflammation at bay.

Some researchers believe that one of the top causes of inflammation is a low-grade bacterial, viral, or fungal infection in the bloodstream and organs such as the stomach and gastro-intestinal tract.

For example, H pylori is a bacteria in the stomach which contributes to inflammation and the development of ulcers in the stomach. H pylori has been found in 50% of adults over 60 years old and in 20% of adults under the age of 40.

I recently had some gastrointestinal issues and after undergoing many different types of tests, colonoscopy and endoscopy, my doctor then decided to check H pylori and I tested positive. After a round of antibiotics (3 different ones) my GI system went back to normal functioning. However, I knew I needed to change my diet so that the conditions in my gut would not be present to allow me develop another infection.

Research has also shown that many foods and some environmental exposure can cause inflammation in the body. Environmental toxins are found in our water, food, air, and in toxic metals like lead and mercury. Other causes of inflammation include stress, food sensitivities, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, and a diet which includes too much sugar, protein and fat.

There are a number anti-inflammatories which have been promising in reducing inflammation. These include:

Turmeric, Wasabi and Spirulina.

We strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor to make sure you are able to take any of these supplements and let them know about any reactions. We also advise you to do research on which brands are safe and at a dosage that is therapeutic.  A good site for this type of research is: Examine.com.

One Option To Reduce Inflammation Naturally Is With Turmeric

This root contains a plant chemical called curcumin. Research shows that curcumin can help lower histamine levels which, in turn, reduces inflammation because histamine is chemical which triggers the body’s inflammatory response.

Curcumin also naturally increases your production of an anti-inflammatory compound called cortisol. Studies show that curcumin can be effective in controlling inflammation. Curcumin has many valuable properties that can be used to treat some dermatologic conditions. However, you must take note that there are possible allergic reactions and we suggest that you consult with your doctor before trying this on your own.

One highly rated curcumin product is Pure Encapsulations Curcumin 500 with Bioperine®. I have used it and have gotten good feedback from family members and others who have tried it.

Click on below link to order:



Chaturvedi, T. P. (2009). Uses of turmeric in dentistry: An update. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 20(1), 107.


Mukhopadhyay, A., Basu, N., Ghatak, N., & Gujral, P. K. (1982). Anti-inflammatory and irritant activities of curcumin analogues in rats. Agents and actions, 12(4), 508-515.
